
Unravelling The Future of Base Oils in Light of Electric Vehicles?

Unravelling The Future of Base Oils in Light of Electric Vehicles

January 20, 2023

The future of the base oils and lubricants market in the face of growing electrification will be that of ongoing innovation and increasingly rapid change.

How Biocides Can Help Protect Your Bio-Diesel Fuels, Your Equipment, and Your Operation

December 02, 2022

While the trend to use more bio-content in fuels offers obvious economic, environmental and political advantages, it does present some significant challenges for organizations that use and store bio-fuels.

ACEA 2022 Heavy-Duty Released

September 29, 2022

In May 2022, ACEA formally announced and released its most recent Heavy-Duty oil sequences, a significant increase in lubricant performance for commercial vehicles. 

Using the Right Oil for the Right Vehicles

August 17, 2022

For many years, the African continent has been a key export market for used vehicles. The lubricants these vehicles use is critical.

The Evolution of ACEA in the Light Duty and Heavy Duty Sectors

July 01, 2022

There have been some significant adjustments to the ACEA European Oil Sequences throughout the years.

ACEA 2022: Understanding the OM471 Piston Cleanliness Test (CEC L-118)

May 19, 2022

Referred to as the OM471 Piston Cleanliness Test (CEC L-118), this new and important diesel lubricant test is part of the latest sequences.